Monday, September 17, 2012

Michigan Medical Marijuana – SB-377

Urge Senate to VOTE NO on Michigan Medical Marijuana – SB-377 –
This one says that “Within 48 hours after issuing a registry identification card, the department shall forward information concerning the issuance of the card to the department of the State of Police.  The department of State of Police shall make the information concerning registry identification cards available to state and local police officers in a form that allows immediate access to information necessary to determine whether an individual in custody for possession or distribution is a qualifying patient or primary caregiver”(Legislature, MI, 2012)
Why is it necessary for the police to know that I am a medical marijuana patient? My health records are not any business, or concern of the State, or the Police.  Why should my health information with personal medical files become accessible? Why must this be made available for any branch of law enforcement?
Wait a minute!
I am certainly not the first one to realize and understand that PERSONAL MEDICAL RECORDS are not a need for a branch of law enforcement, and these records are meant to be kept private.
What has happened to innocent until proven guilty?
What do health records and the freedom to choose a natural harmless adjunctive therapy and that practicing licensed physician recommended for sick people to take have to do with criminal activity?
The patients are licensed by a doctor and registered through the state of Michigan and pay money that goes into the Michigan Medical Marijuana Database. These records are to be kept between a patient and a doctor.
Why are sick people being persecuted for a natural choice to medicate herbally?  Sick people are being singled out, trialed, and labeled guilty and placed into a LEIN system that the police use to keep track of criminals.
First of all I know that as a citizen of America I am protected by a Federal Law called the HIPAA- Health Records Act.  This Act says that health records are private.  This means that we do not deserve our rights taken away from us, or loss of these protections just because we are medical marijuana patients.
The police do not have the right to snoop on me at any time just because I choose to medicate with a harmless, healing herb.  These officers are not going to be required to have a search warrant.  They will only need the speculation, or a possibility of probable cause.
Persecuted, signaled out because we are patients of medical marijuana?
The Federal Government continues to lie about this harmless herbal plant.  They continue to sling propaganda, use blanket statements, talk in circles, use garbled rhetoric, and refuse to debate the facts.  In fact they refuse to talk about these issues.  These government politicians are elected by the people.  They are placed into office as public servants.  They make an oath to uphold the Freedoms giranted in the Constitution.  Why do they continue to lie about marijuana by saying it is a deadly and dangerous drug? They continue to spew lies and severely distort the truths.

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